Law introduction

Law introduction#

This analysis tool uses law for the workflow orchestration. Therefore, a short introduction to the most essential functions of law you should be aware of when using this tool are provided here. More informations are available for example in the “Examples” section of this Github repository. This section can be ignored if you are already familiar with law.

Tasks and parameters#

In law, tasks are objects, which, as the name implies, should be implemented in such a way, that they fulfill a specific task in the workflow. They are defined and separated by purpose and may have dependencies to each other. As an example, columnflow defines a task for the creation of histograms and a different task to make a plot of these histograms. The plotting task requires the histogram task to have already run, in order to have data to plot. This is internally checked by the presence or absence of the corresponding output file from the required task. If the required file is not present, the required task will be automatically started with the corresponding parameters before the called task.

The full task tree of general tasks already implemented in columnflow can be seen in this wikipage.

A task is run with the command law run followed by the name of the task. A version, given by the argument --version, followed by the name of the version, is required.

In law, the intermediate results (=the outputs of the different tasks) are saved locally in the corresponding directory (given in the setup, the arguments to run the task are also used for the path). The name of the version also appears in the path and should therefore be selected to match your purpose, for example --version selection_with_gen_matching. As the intermediate results are used to decide if a task further down the task tree should run or not, the version argument allows for bookkeeping and storage of several intermediate results, where all other parameters would be equivalent.

Tasks in law are organized as a graph with dependencies. Therefore a “depth” for the different required tasks exists, depending on which task required which other task. In order to see the different required tasks for a single task, you might use the argument --print-status -1, which will show all required tasks and the existence or absence of their output for the given input parameters up to depth “-1”, hence the deepest one. The called task with law run will have depth 0. You might check the output path of a task with the argument --print-output, followed by the depth of the task. If you want a finished task to be run anew without changing the version (e.g. do a new histogram with different binning), you might remove the previous outputs with the --remove-output argument, followed by the depth up to which to remove the outputs. There are three removal modes:

  • a (all: remove all outputs of the different tasks up to the given depth),

  • i (interactive: prompt a selection of the tasks to remove up to the given depth. For each task which output you decide to remove, you will be asked how you want to remove the potentially multiple outputs)

  • d (dry: show which files might be deleted with the same selection options, but do not remove the outputs).

The --remove-output argument does not allow the depth “-1”, check the task tree with --print-output before selecting the depth you want. The removal mode can be already selected in the command, e.g. with --remove-output 1,a (remove all outputs up to depth 1).

Once the output has been removed, it is possible to run the task again. It is also possible to rerun the task in the same command as the removal by adding the y argument at the end. Therefore, removing all outputs of a selected task (but not its dependencies) and running it again at once would correspond to the following command:

law run name_of_the_task --version name_of_the_version --remove-output 0,a,y

An example command to see the location of the output file after running a 1D plot of a variable with columnflow using only law functions and the default arguments for the tasks would be:

law run cf.PlotVariables1D --version test_plot --print-output 0

Law Config#


Running remote#