

(soon to be changed:)

If you get an error while using columnflow and look at the error stack, you will probably see two errors:

  1. the actual error and where it happened in the code (standard python error), this is probably the error you are interested in.

  2. a sandbox error that you can ignore in most of the cases, as it does not correspond to your problem, it only says in which sandbox it happened.

In this section, debugging tools already implemented in columnflow to inspect the intermediate results of tasks will be presented.


Add a FAQ here? Oder in a new file? first questions:

  • troubleshooting:

  • “I have changed something in the code and called the corresponding law run bash command, but the task isn’t starting/the task started is further down the task tree.”

A: Do not forget to remove the corresponding intermediate output(s), for example with --remove-output (see Law introduction), or start a new version with --version if you do explicitely want to conserve the previous output before the change in the code.

  • “Where do I find the outputs of my tasks?”

A: When you run “source {name_of_the_setup}” in columnflow for the first time, you choose the storage locations. You can find the storage locations again by opening the “.setups/{name_of_the_setup}.sh” file in the analysis repository. You may also use law functions to ease the search, namely with the --print-output command, see in the Law introduction section.

  • “I get an error telling me that some columns could not be found/produced. What can I do?”

A: You have declared some columns in the uses or produces set of your Selectors, Producers or Calibrators that are not available. Maybe you did not produce them before, or they have been removed, for example in the ReduceEvents task. You should start by verifying that these columns are necessary for you and remove them if not. If you need them, and this is a “uses” problem: check if you have created the column in a previous task and declared the column in “keep_columns” in your analysis config if you are in a task after “ReduceEvents”. Do not forget to remove the outputs to start the corresponding tasks again if you have made changes in them after running them. If this a “produce” error, verify that the column has been produced in your script. If you still cannot pinpoint the error, use the debugging tools to check your intermediate outputs or an IPython shell in your script.

  • “I get an error during the setup telling me that some packages/scripts are not available”

A: When you run “source {name_of_the_setup}”, columnflow internally checks all the scripts declared in the law.cfg file. It may lead to two problems: 1) if what is not available is an external package that you try to import, the issue may come from the fact that the package you try to import is only available in a specific cf_sandbox (which is not the default sandbox). For these, simply use the “maybe_import” function from columnflow.util, in a similar way to Production of columns. 2) If what is not available is a local script in columnflow, you might need to declare it in the law.cfg BEFORE the script causing the error. For example, if the error is in some calibrator in “calibration/cms/” which is using some calibrator in “calibration/cms/”, you might want to declare them in the law.cfg in the following way: “calibration_modules: columnflow.calibration.cms.{jets,new_calibrator}” (and NOT “calibration_modules: columnflow.calibration.cms.{new_calibrator,jets}”).