Plotting tasks

classDiagram PlotBase <|-- PlotBase1D PlotBase <|-- PlotBase2D PlotBase <|-- VariablePlotSettingMixin PlotBase <|-- ProcessPlotSettingMixin PlotBase1D <|-- PlotVariables1D PlotBase1D <|-- PlotShiftedVariables1D VariablePlotSettingMixin <|-- PlotVariablesBase ProcessPlotSettingMixin <|-- PlotVariablesBase PlotVariablesBase <|-- PlotVariablesBaseSingleShift PlotVariablesBaseSingleShift <|-- PlotVariables1D PlotVariablesBaseSingleShift <|-- PlotVariables2D PlotBase2D <|-- PlotVariables2D PlotVariables2D <|-- PlotVariablesPerProcess2D PlotVariablesBase <|-- PlotVariablesBaseMultiShifts PlotVariablesBaseMultiShifts <|-- PlotShiftedVariables1D PlotShiftedVariables1D <|-- PlotShiftedVariablesPerProcess1D class PlotBase{ plot_function: luigi.Parameter file_types: law.CSVParameter plot_suffix: luigi.Parameter view_cmd: luigi.Parameter general_settings: SettingParameter skip_legend: law.OptionalBoolParameter cms_label: luigi.Parameter } class PlotBase1D{ skip_ratio: law.OptionalBoolParameter density: law.OptionalBoolParameter yscale: luigi.ChoiceParameter shape_norm: law.OptionalBoolParameter hide_errors: law.OptionalBoolParameter } class PlotBase2D{ zscale: luigi.ChoiceParameter density: law.OptionalBoolParameter shape_norm: law.OptionalBoolParameter colormap: luigi.Parameter zlim: law.CSVParameter extremes: luigi.ChoiceParameter extreme_colors: law.CSVParameter } class ProcessPlotSettingMixin{ process_settings: MultiSettingsParameter } class VariablePlotSettingMixin{ variable_settings: MultiSettingsParameter } class PlotVariablesBaseMultiShifts{ legend: luigi.Parameter }

Class diagram of all plotting tasks#

Plotting tasks#

The following tasks are dedicated to plotting. For more information, check out the plotting user guide


  • PlotVariables*, PlotShiftedVariables* (e.g. PlotVariables1D, PlotVariables2D, PlotShiftedVariables1D): Tasks to plot the histograms created by CreateHistograms using the python package matplotlib with mplhep style. Several plot types are possible, including plots of variables for different physical processes or plots of variables for a single physical process but different shifts (e.g. jet-energy correction variations). The argument --variables followed by the name of the variables defined in the analysis config, separated by a comma, is needed for these tasks to run. It is also possible to replace the --datasets argument for these tasks by the --processes argument followed by the name of the physical processes to be plotted, as defined in the analysis config. For the PlotShiftedVariables* plots, the argument shift-sources is needed and replaces the argument shift. The output format for these plots can be given with the --file-types argument. It is possible to set a default for the variables in the analysis config.

  • PlotCutflow* (e.g. PlotCutflow, PlotCutflowVariables1D): Tasks to plot the histograms created by CreateCutflowHistograms. The PlotCutflowVariables1D are plotted in a similar way to the “PlotVariables*” tasks. The difference is that these plots show the selection yields of the different selection steps defined in SelectEvents instead of only after the ReduceEvents procedure. The selection steps to be shown can be chosen with the --selector-steps argument. Without further argument, the outputs are as much plots as the number of selector steps given. On the other hand, the PlotCutflow task gives a single histograms containing only the total event yields for each selection step given.