
Tasks related to calibrating events.

class CalibrateEvents(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: CalibratorMixin, ChunkedIOMixin, DatasetTask, LocalWorkflow, RemoteWorkflow

Task to apply calibrations to objects, e.g. leptons and jets.

The calibrations that are to be applied can be specified on the command line, and are implemented as instances of the Calibrator class. For further information, please consider the documentation there.

sandbox = 'bash::$CF_BASE/sandboxes/'#
reqs = {'BuildBashSandbox': <class 'columnflow.tasks.framework.remote.BuildBashSandbox'>, 'BundleBashSandbox': <class 'columnflow.tasks.framework.remote.BundleBashSandbox'>, 'BundleCMSSWSandbox': <class 'columnflow.tasks.framework.remote.BundleCMSSWSandbox'>, 'BundleRepo': <class 'columnflow.tasks.framework.remote.BundleRepo'>, 'BundleSoftware': <class 'columnflow.tasks.framework.remote.BundleSoftware'>, 'GetDatasetLFNs': <class 'columnflow.tasks.external.GetDatasetLFNs'>}#
register_calibrator_shifts = True#

Configure the requirements for the workflow in general. For more general informations, see BaseWorkflow.workflow_requires().

Return type:



Dictionary containing the requirements for this task.


Configure the requirements for the individual branches of the workflow.

Return type:



Defines the outputs of the current branch within the workflow.


Run method of this task.

check_finite = <luigi.parameter.BoolParameter object>#
exclude_index = False#
exclude_params_branch = {'acceptance', 'branches', 'cancel_jobs', 'cleanup_jobs', 'htcondor_cpus', 'htcondor_flavor', 'htcondor_gpus', 'htcondor_memory', 'htcondor_pool', 'htcondor_scheduler', 'htcondor_share_software', 'ignore_submission', 'job_workers', 'max_runtime', 'no_poll', 'parallel_jobs', 'pilot', 'poll_fails', 'poll_interval', 'retries', 'shuffle_jobs', 'slurm_flavor', 'slurm_partition', 'submission_threads', 'tasks_per_job', 'tolerance', 'transfer_logs', 'walltime'}#
exclude_params_htcondor_workflow = {}#
exclude_params_index = {'effective_workflow', 'local_shift'}#
exclude_params_remote_workflow = {'local_shift'}#
exclude_params_repr = {'cancel_jobs', 'cleanup_jobs', 'workflow'}#
exclude_params_repr_empty = {}#
exclude_params_req = {'check_finite', 'effective_workflow', 'local_shift'}#
exclude_params_req_get = {}#
exclude_params_req_set = {}#
exclude_params_sandbox = {'local_shift', 'log_file', 'sandbox'}#
exclude_params_slurm_workflow = {}#
exclude_params_workflow = {'branch'}#
class CalibrateEventsWrapper(*args, **kwargs)#

Bases: AnalysisTask, WrapperTask

configs = <law.parameter.CSVParameter object>#
datasets = <law.parameter.CSVParameter object>#
exclude_index = False#
exclude_params_index = {}#
exclude_params_repr = {}#
exclude_params_repr_empty = {}#
exclude_params_req = {}#
exclude_params_req_get = {}#
exclude_params_req_set = {}#
exclude_params_sandbox = {'log_file', 'sandbox'}#

The Tasks that this Task depends on.

A Task will only run if all of the Tasks that it requires are completed. If your Task does not require any other Tasks, then you don’t need to override this method. Otherwise, a subclass can override this method to return a single Task, a list of Task instances, or a dict whose values are Task instances.

See Task.requires

shifts = <law.parameter.CSVParameter object>#
skip_configs = <law.parameter.CSVParameter object>#
skip_datasets = <law.parameter.CSVParameter object>#
skip_shifts = <law.parameter.CSVParameter object>#